Sunday, January 31, 2016

We might get a C&C Cage!

Hello! Cinnamon here.In some of Rainy and my older posts, we mentioned how much we'd like a C&C cage. Well, the time has come where we might get a C&C cage! We want a 2x4 with a 2x2 loft. The 2x2 loft will be an offset loft, so it is easier to clean under.

But to convince our owner's parents to let us have a C&C cage, we need to write an essay explaining why we should get one.

So here it is:

C&C cages are affordable, durable,quality cages. They provide a great amount of space for us to run around in. C&C cages are funner for us, easier to clean, and much better quality.

Every week when my owner cleans the cage, it is hard to do. The canvas has lots of cracks and it is hard to clean. The canvas bottom has many folds, which traps gross bedding in between it. She needs to undo all the Velcro straps from the cage and when she is done cleaning afterwards, she has to  reattach them. Then she needs to spray it with vinegar and water. But with a C&C cage,  

The C&C cage is by far more durable. The Midwest cage we are in right now is very flimsy. When my owner's two year old brother leans against the cage, it folds in on itself and we think the cage is going to break!

My owner, she loves expanding and reorganizing our cage. It is so much easier to do with a C&C cage! Take the grids apart, take the tape apart, tape more stuff together, and redo the cage!!! 

Plus, we'll have lots of fun running up and down the ramp. 

A C&C cage will be good for us. We'll get more exercise (RAINY IS NOT FAT) and it'll be a lot better for our long term health. 

What are we going to do with the old cage? Use it as a playpen. We can use it as a playpen. There's a lot of space, about 8 square feet, plus we'll add some grids onto it to make it even bigger!!!

The C&C cage isn't expensive. It's about $15 for the 4' by 8' sheet of coroplast, and $20 for the box of grids. But I want another box of grids so my owner can make us toys, so that's another $20. But that will come out of our vet fund. So it's about $35. But with the extra box of grids, that's $55. If we buy it on, it's $131.00! That's not including shipping. So either way, we save AT LEAST $80.

So, who's up for a C&C cage?

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